First: The Beans
We source our beans from Camano Island Coffee Roasters because they only purchase green, ethical coffee beans that are USDA Certified Organic and Shade-grown. USDA Certified Organic guarantees safety from harmful pesticides and the numerous health and birth defects they inflict on the coffee farmers and their families. Shade-grown coffee guarantees bird habitat, soil preservation, and the protection of the Rain forests – earth’s lungs!
Second: The Price
By only purchasing ethical coffee that is fairly traded, we partner with you in giving a fair wage for a beautiful product. The difference is in enabling farmers to provide food, clothing, shelter, and an education for their children.
Third: Giving A Hand Up Not A Hand Out
Buzzbox partners with Agros International, a Seattle, WA based non-profit that assists responsible coffee farmers in purchasing their own land through low-interest or interest-free loans.
Fourth: The Biggest Factor In Generational Change — You
That’s right, you are the most important component for lasting change. By supporting only ethical coffee that’s Certified Organic, Shade-Grown, and Fairly Traded, you preserve the environment and prevent human poisoning from pesticides. By supporting ethical coffee that’s fairly traded, you know coffee farmers receive a fair wage — that’s life-altering. There’s power in your dollar — Use it!
Let’s Change The World
With the commitment of 5,000 Buzzbox coffee drinkers, we can build 15 wells to provide 30,000 people in Ethiopia with clean water. You already drink coffee. Why not use it to change a life?