Here at Buzzbox, we like to give credit where credit is due. So, Vive la France! Thank you France for giving us the best coffee extraction method known to man – the French Press. Here are 5 Tips to Make the Best French Press Coffee.
1. The First Step to Make The Best Coffee For French Press – The Right Water
Using tap water will handicap your flavor. You must use filtered or spring water. Nope, distilled water won’t work either; you need minerals to aid in the extraction process. So, only use cold filtered, or spring water.
2. The Second Step to Make The Best Coffee For French Press – The Coffee
Yes the coffee beans make a difference in your cup of coffee. You need the best coffee in the world. Of course this means you need certified organic, shade-grown and freshly roasted coffee. But how do you grind it? Coarse! The beans must be ground coarse to prevent the sludgy post-brew grounds from ending in your cup. You need 2 tablespoons per 6 ounces.
3. The Third Step to Make The Best Coffee for French Press – The Equipment

You need a good filter. The best filter will keep the coffee grounds in the press – not in your cup. Bodum makes some of the best french presses. Their filters come in three pieces that you can take apart and clean.
4. The Fourth Step to Make The Best Coffee for French Press – Don’t Boil The Water
Never pour boiling water on your freshly ground beans. Boiling water will scorch the beans and alter the taste. You need hot water that is just off of the boil. The ideal temperature is between 195 and 205?F.
5. The Fifth Step to Make The Best Coffee for French Press – Bust the Crust!
Once you have doused all of the grounds in water wait for the ‘crust’ to form. The ‘crust’ is the grounds that will rise to the top. To aid in the extraction process you must stir the grounds and break up this ‘crust’. If you have a glass french press, only stir using a wooden stirrer or chop stick. Over time a metal stirrer or spoon can cause the glass to crack and break due to the high temperature of the water.
6. The Sixth Step to Make The Best Coffee for French Press – Let It Sit!
Let your coffee sit for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on how strong you want your brew. Then, finally, press and pour.
7. The Seventh Step to Make The Best Coffee for French Press – Enjoy
The dark brew falls, splashing and swirling til it comes to its resting place – in your warm mug. Warm your mug prior to pouring to maintain the heat and flavor of your coffee. Lastly drink your beautiful french press coffee within 10 minutes of pouring. The flavors of the coffee will change as the temperature cools. This provides you with the widest range of flavors.
So there you have it: the 7 tips to make the best coffee for french press. The best coffee extraction method: French Press, running the length and breadth of coffee’s vast variety of flavors.