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A New Church Building In Moldova

A New Church Building In Moldova

In 2022 Valleydale Church engaged with a new church planter, Eduard Edu, to help build the church in Criuleni, Moldova. Valleydale is providing support for the church planter and sending a team each year to help the church in outreach to the community through a Medical Clinic and a VBS. In addition to this outreach a vision was developed for a church building. Up to this point the church met in a house with no more than 35 people able to squeeze into the home. 

The estimated cost of construction was $45,000. Reaching out in faith the church has began construction.

The Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund has been able to help the church in Criuleni, Moldova with a $10,000 grant. These funds have helped cover the cost of construction to date.

Thanks to coffee lovers like you we have been able to help this valuable ministry in Moldova. 10% of your Buzzbox Coffee purchase goes back to the Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund.

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Mission Trip: Nicaragua

Mission Trip: Nicaragua

Our family just recently returned from a visit to Nicaragua where we saw 75 people come to know Christ. Many others received medical care and eye glasses. We also had some fun — participating in the sports and children’s camps.

What a blessing to spend some time with these amazing people and see God work in each of their lives.

Thanks to coffee drinkers like you we are able to help support ministries like these in Nicaragua. Your “coffee dollars” help support the ongoing efforts of Pastor Daniel Aragon to reach, disciple, and educate the people of Nicaragua for Christ. Thank you.

Check out some of our photos below from Mission Trip Nicaragua!

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Everything You Need to Know About Making Cold Brew Coffee

Everything You Need to Know About Making Cold Brew Coffee

Making Cold-brew coffee may finally have become mainstream, but it is far from new. Think of making cold brew coffee as the grown-up and more sophisticated version of iced coffee. Like regular hot coffee, cold brew is pretty easy to make. What keeps its popularity escalating is the number of health benefits that come with every sip. Cool, silky, and caffeinated – cold brew coffee is an awesome beverage you should totally be drinking.

Why Making Cold Brew Coffee Deserves the Attention

There are a couple of reasons why making cold brew coffee should be getting its time in the coffee shop limelight:

No More Diluted Coffee

Pouring hot coffee over ice (or even putting cubes into your steaming cup of joe) is just asking for diluted coffee. Watery coffee is sad coffee, and it makes drinking it seem almost like a chore. Making cold brew coffee requires only the water needed to steep the grounds. If you want to dilute it afterwards, that is up to you.

Lower Acidity.

Since the coffee grounds are subjected to boiling water, the chemical profile of the product is very different from what a conventional cup of hot coffee would be. The lower levels of acidity actually make cold-brewed coffee easier on the stomach. Since the acid levels are low, cold brew coffee even brings out the sweeter notes of coffee.

More Caffeine.

Now isn’t that some glorious news? Cold brew coffee has a higher bean-to-water ratio than hot brewed coffee, and since it takes longer to steep, the caffeine content is naturally higher.

A Heap of Antioxidants.

Since high temperatures are known to destroy antioxidants in almost anything, the longer coffee is exposed to high heat, the less health benefits it has. Cold brew coffee therefore has a higher concentration of several antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid. When coffee beans are roasted, a light roast will reduce the amount of chlorogenic acid in the beans by 60%. A dark roast has no chlorogenic acid left at all.

The only trade-off is that cold brew lacks the same amount of aromatic oils that a cup of hot brewed coffee has. For that reason, if you like your coffee with a kick, cold brew may take some getting used to.

Making Cold Brew Coffee Yourself

Sure, making cold brew coffee may sound like some fancy process that requires a lot of barista-based knowledge. In reality, making cold brew coffee is super easy and perfect for people who aren’t totally hyped to be up in the morning.

You can either choose a cold brew coffee maker or try another home method, like the ones listed below.

If you are grinding your own beans, grind the beans coarsely. You don’t want a fine grind, because that will result in cloudy unsavoury coffee.

1. The Jar and Cheesecloth
This method requires two things: a jar or bowl that is deep enough to hold enough water. The ratio between coffee grounds and water is dependent on your own personal taste. It is recommended to start your grind with a ¾ cup of ground beans and 4 cups of cold water. Should you want to make a bigger batch, you can double that to 1.5 cups of beans and 8 cups of water.

Put the grounds in the bowl with water and slide it into the refrigerator overnight. Some people do like to leave the coffee steep at room temperature for about 12 hours then add it to the refrigerator later. The choice is yours. In the morning (or after time has passed), strain the liquid through a coffee filter or cheesecloth then enjoy.

2. The French Press
If you own a 32 oz. French Press, you are going to want ¾ cup ground beans and 4 cups of cold water. Once you have the everything add to the press, put it in the refrigerator to chill overnight. Leave the plunger up. When you are ready to have your cup of cold brew coffee in the morning, push that plunger down, pour, and enjoy!

When it comes to cold-brewing your coffee, the key is not to rush it. You want to make sure the grounds have long enough to soak so that you get a satisfying and luscious cup of coffee.

Cold brewed or hot brewed coffee is delicious. But knowing how to make a cup at any temperature to savour is sure to excite any coffee addict or caffeine connoisseur. There are health benefits and a different taste profile to discover when you drink cold brew. And if you have tried making cold brew coffee before, what did you think?

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How Coffee May Lower Melanoma Risk

How Coffee May Lower Melanoma Risk

Guest post by Remy Bernard ~ Owner and Editor at Miss Mamie’s Cupcakes

I’ll be honest, I’m a little biased when it comes to talking about anything related to coffee. It’s the first thing I’m after when I wake up in the morning and it never lets me down when I need to get going in the afternoon. I can count on it. Not to mention the hundreds of experiences, memories, sights and smells I have come to associate with expertly roasted and well-brewed coffee. So many of the details of this humble bean have integrated themselves into some of the most fulfilling parts of my daily life.

So naturally, I was excited when, over the last 10 years or so, tons of research started pouring out of the scientific community touting the various health benefits of my beloved beans. The blog has already covered in detail how coffee can help prevent diabetes and even keep your heart healthy, but another recently discovered arrow in coffee’s health-boosting quiver is its ability to lower your risk for melanoma, one of the most deadly forms of skin cancer. A study performed in 2015 found that drinking around 4 cups of coffee a day (not a problem here) has a definitive link to lower melanoma risk.

Just to quickly dive into what we are dealing with, melanoma is the 5th most common form of cancer in the United States, and tops the list as the leader in skin-cancer related deaths. In 2016, about 9,500 people died from melanoma out of the 77,000 that received a diagnosis. This puts the mortality rate at a staggering 12%. I talk about these numbers not to get all doom and gloom, but just to drive home that it has the potential to be a very serious problem and I’m interested in doing everything I can to lower melanoma risk.

So how does coffee play into all this? Well, even though exposure to UV light is the risk factor you have the most control over, there are others that will raise, or lower your risk. In the National Cancer Institute study linked above, compounds found in coffee were shown to actually lower melanoma risk. In the study, researchers analyzed the data from 447,357 subjects and determined that there was a lower melanoma risk by up to 20% for those who consumed four or more cups per day, compared to those in the study that did not drink any coffee.

It is important to note that this protective effect only took place when the subjects consumed caffeinated coffee. Although it’s not totally clear, it would seem since compounds like polyphenols and diterpenes are already associated with coffee’s health benefits, the caffeine is largely responsible for the protective mechanism. Other studies have shown also shown that there is a ‘sunscreen effect’ produced by caffeine that inhibits DNA mutations that can lead to development of skin cancer.

While most researchers largely point to caffeine as the super hero in the story, it’s important to acknowledge that other variables may come into play when correlating it with the reduction. For example, the people that tend to drink tons of coffee may work indoors more where the access to a full carafe of hot coffee is easier to come by, while those working outdoors and in the sun all day don’t have the ability to drink cup after cup throughout the day. I only mention this because when looking at newer scientific data, it’s always important to consider all sides of the argument. Practicing safe sun habits will always be the most important thing you can do to protect yourself.

Like I said before, I would recommend practicing common sense when it comes to your health, but it’s nice to know that the more we look into coffee, the more we find out about how good it can be for you. I’m not going to go sit in the sun all day without sunscreen while pounding cup after cup of coffee and hope for the best, but I will continue to consume my 3-4 cups a day and relish in study after study that tells me coffee is so much more than just a delicious beverage.

Remy Bernard – Owner and Editor at Miss Mamie’s Cupcakes

A baker, chef and writer, Remy started as a way to deepen and spread her passion for making delicious food. She can also be found on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

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Introducing Haven

Introducing Haven

For about six years, God has been forming in Erica Jackson a heart for single mothers. However, this past year, He has given her a place to dwell with them. She is calling it Haven. At its root, the word haven represents refuge and a place of shelter. Erica states, “The heartbeat of ‘The Haven’ is to build secure, healthy, and vibrant families offering women care, respect, and life education in Birmingham, AL.””

So, not only is Haven going to be a place of refuge for single mothers, it’s going to be a life-giving home that gives women space to be mothers. It is Erica’s desire for Haven to be an inner-city maternity home for single mothers of low socioeconomic status: who have minimal access to healthcare resources because of a lack of education and support.

Haven is a ministry of Thanks to Buzzbox members like you we are able to support these valuable ministries.

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3 Ways Coffee Improves Heart Health

3 Ways Coffee Improves Heart Health

Did you know coffee can be a key player in keeping your heart healthy? Yes, really! Coffee Improves Heart Health. Check it out below.

1. Coffee Improves Heart Health By Lowering Calcium Deposits In Arteries

The same old story you hear about heart health usually is something like this: if you have calcium in your coronary arteries, you may be at risk for coronary artery disease(CAD). The reason this is a problem is it can lead to reduced blood flow or cause clots, which then leads to heart attacks.

This is all pretty scary stuff. Doctors recommend different diets, prescriptions, and exercises to prevent CAD. But did you know that drinking coffee is another step you can take to lower your risk?

Seriously, listen to this:

“‘Those who drank 3-5 cups a day had 40% less calcium in their arteries than non-coffee drinkers. This was reduced to 35% for those who drank 1-3, and 23% for those who drank just one. Coffee consumption and coronary artery calcium in young and middle-aged asymptomatic adults…1

Those are some pretty impressive numbers. While there are many ways to keep your calcium levels low, coffee is an easy and tasty way to work on it.

2. Coffee Improves Heart Health By Reducing Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Lots of studies and statistics show that Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise. Unfortunately this can lead to two to four times the risk to develop cardiovascular disease.2 Diet and exercise are an important part of lowering your risk, but drinking coffee can also be a big prevention tool, too.

A study published in Archives of Internal Medicine found, ‘Drinking 3-4 cups of coffee per day was associated with an approximate 25% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to consuming none or less than 2 cups per day.’3

What is it about coffee that reduces your risk for diabetes? What you might not know is coffee is actually a great source of antioxidants — chlorogenic acid, and trigonelline to name a couple. These antioxidants work together to regulate your glucose and insulin levels which in turn helps to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Another study from 2002 found that coffee drinkers consuming at least 7 cups of coffee per day were half as likely to develop type 2 diabetes.4 The interesting thing about this study is when you compare it against recommended levels of caffeine consumption this is far higher than what is recommended to prevent overcaffeination. One way to have your coffee and drink it too so to speak is to only drink Arabica, shade-grown coffee. Arabica beans contain about half of the caffeine of other beans enabling you to drink more of it without getting the jitters of overcaffeination. And, because shade-grown coffee grows slower, it develops a smooth flavor with no bitterness. So enjoy a delicious cup of joe and let your coffee improve heart health.

3. Coffee Improves Heart Health By Reducing Your Risk of Stroke

Like the other ailments listed above, stroke could also be prevented by coffee. Did you know that by drinking at least one cup a day, you can reduce your risk of stroke by 20%?5 That’s a pretty great start, if you ask me.

The science behind it is relatively simple, too:

Dr Yoshihiro Kokubo, lead author of a study published in the journal Stroke, said: The regular action of drinking tea, coffee, largely benefits cardiovascular health because it partly keeps blood clots from forming.”6

Simple, straightforward, and easy. Drinking coffee is good for keeping your blood flow smooth and your heart happy.

Whether you only have one cup in the morning, or you drink a steady 4-5 cups a day, you’re keeping your heart in good shape. We may not be doctors, but the research available sure speaks for itself. Good coffee improves heart health.

1. Yuni Choi1, Yoosoo Chang Seungho Ryu Juhee Cho Sanjay Rampal Yiyi Zhang Jiin Ahn Joao A C Lima Hocheol Shin Eliseo Guallar. “Coffee consumption and coronary artery calcium in young and middle-aged asymptomatic adults.” Heart.

2. Kannel WB, McGee DL. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The Framingham study. JAMA.1979;241:2035–2038.

3. Huxley R. et al. (2009) Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, and Tea Consumption in Relation to Incident Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Archives of Internal Medicine, 169:2053-2063.

4. Van Dam R.M. et al. (2002) Coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Lancet, 360:1477-1478.

5. Yoshihiro Kokubo, M.D., Ph.D., chief doctor, department of preventive cardiology, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Osaka, Japan; Ralph Sacco, M.D., past president, American Heart Association, and chairman, neurology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; March 14, 2013, Stroke, online

6. IBID.

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January 2017 Devotional

January 2017 Devotional

“For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.” 2 Corinthians 8:21.

The apostle Paul is reminding us that our integrity is not only important to the Lord but it’s also crucial that we also shouldn’t confuse people with our lives. The world would tell you a very different truth and maybe you have fallen into this trap. Have you ever said the following phrase? “I really don’t care what people think about me”. Well apparently according to scripture you should care quite a bit what other people think. Why? Because there is a Biblical truth that convicts me on a daily basis and I would like to challenge you to apply it to your life today. We may not always live what we profess, but we uncontrollably live out what we really believe. How you and I live is what we really believe because we may say one thing and do another but our lives and the way we live our lives is the truth.

I was talking with a brother one day who was justifying why he and his child were not going on a mission trip to a foreign land. The man told me that when his daughter wanted to go on the trip, he pointed to a nearby apartment complex and told her that there are plenty of lost people in the complex that needed to hear about Jesus. This was absolutely true, so I asked him the following question “So is that what you did? Did you take her to the complex and start knocking on doors?”. He looked down at his shoes and had no answer. So I concluded that he really didn’t mean what he said because he didn’t actually live it out in his life. So what about you? When you say that you are a follower of Christ does your life validate that statement or is it in conflict with that claim?

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The Birth of Freeset

The Birth of Freeset

In 1999 . . .


Kerry and Annie Hilton decided to leave their idyllic lifestyle in Albany, New Zealand and move to India to establish a business amongst the poor. When they unwittingly moved their family into Sonagacchi, the poor they found themselves helping were sex workers.

Realizing that to make a real difference charity just wouldn’t cut it, the Hiltons set about creating a viable business, teaching the women to read and write as well as training them to become skilled workers and business women.

After much product research and market testing, Kerry decided that manufacturing jute bags for export would be a realistic proposition. They called the business Freeset and signed up their first business partners: 20 older women from the district who were – albeit reluctantly – willing to give foreigners with good intentions another go.

Want to learn how Freeset uses entrepreneurship to help victims of sex trafficking? Watch the documentary, Calcutta Hilton. Go to to buy the dvd.

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The Power Of Faith Is Changing Lives

The Power Of Faith Is Changing Lives

The Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund has been instrumental in supporting the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association. Read a note from Scott Dawson, a friend of the Rick and Bubba Show, to learn how your coffee is changing lives through the power of faith.

Finding Hope

A sixteen-year old girl recently attended one of our conferences. She had lost her mom a few years ago to a drug overdose. Two weeks before the conference she lost her dad to a drug overdose.

This confused and hurting teenager was searching for someone to tell her that everything was going to be okay.

Making A Difference

It’s not an event, song, or personality that changes lives, it’s Jesus Christ and we are blessed to be an avenue to make Him known. We’re proud to be a partner with the Rick and Bubba Buzzbox Program in proclaiming this Hope.”

– Scott Dawson

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Tanzania, South Africa

Tanzania, South Africa

Doulos has been exploring the options of work in Tanzania, Africa, with hopes to train and encourage local leaders, and continually support their evangelism and church planting efforts.

About Tanzania

Tanzania is a remarkably diverse country, consisting of around 44.9 million people from 158 ethnic groups who speak languages representing all four major African language groups. Additionally, they have extremely diverse religious beliefs – The country’s constitution provides for freedom of religion, and this right is generally respected by all.

Religion in Tanzania

It is estimated that anywhere from 30-60% of the population identifies themselves as Christian, another 30% of identify as Muslim, and the remaining population adhere to the various indigenous religions.

All religious organizations are banned from involvement in politics, and politicians are restricted from using language intended to incite one religious group against another or to campaign towards specific religious groups. In public schools, religion may be taught in the form of a class on religion, but it is not part of the national curriculum.

Thank you

The soil is very fertile in this part of Africa and we are excited about the opportunities to lead many to Christ! Please join us in prayer as we continue to determine the best ways to reach Tanzanian people with the word of God. Thank you for supporting us with your daily cup of coffee.

– The Doulos Partners