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A New Church Building In Moldova

A New Church Building In Moldova

In 2022 Valleydale Church engaged with a new church planter, Eduard Edu, to help build the church in Criuleni, Moldova. Valleydale is providing support for the church planter and sending a team each year to help the church in outreach to the community through a Medical Clinic and a VBS. In addition to this outreach a vision was developed for a church building. Up to this point the church met in a house with no more than 35 people able to squeeze into the home. 

The estimated cost of construction was $45,000. Reaching out in faith the church has began construction.

The Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund has been able to help the church in Criuleni, Moldova with a $10,000 grant. These funds have helped cover the cost of construction to date.

Thanks to coffee lovers like you we have been able to help this valuable ministry in Moldova. 10% of your Buzzbox Coffee purchase goes back to the Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund.

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Introducing Haven

Introducing Haven

For about six years, God has been forming in Erica Jackson a heart for single mothers. However, this past year, He has given her a place to dwell with them. She is calling it Haven. At its root, the word haven represents refuge and a place of shelter. Erica states, “The heartbeat of ‘The Haven’ is to build secure, healthy, and vibrant families offering women care, respect, and life education in Birmingham, AL.””

So, not only is Haven going to be a place of refuge for single mothers, it’s going to be a life-giving home that gives women space to be mothers. It is Erica’s desire for Haven to be an inner-city maternity home for single mothers of low socioeconomic status: who have minimal access to healthcare resources because of a lack of education and support.

Haven is a ministry of Thanks to Buzzbox members like you we are able to support these valuable ministries.

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The Power Of Faith Is Changing Lives

The Power Of Faith Is Changing Lives

The Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund has been instrumental in supporting the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association. Read a note from Scott Dawson, a friend of the Rick and Bubba Show, to learn how your coffee is changing lives through the power of faith.

Finding Hope

A sixteen-year old girl recently attended one of our conferences. She had lost her mom a few years ago to a drug overdose. Two weeks before the conference she lost her dad to a drug overdose.

This confused and hurting teenager was searching for someone to tell her that everything was going to be okay.

Making A Difference

It’s not an event, song, or personality that changes lives, it’s Jesus Christ and we are blessed to be an avenue to make Him known. We’re proud to be a partner with the Rick and Bubba Buzzbox Program in proclaiming this Hope.”

– Scott Dawson

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Global Evangelization

Global Evangelization

Doulos Partners is a ministry that concentrates on evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in 19 countries around the world. Our vision, reaching the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time in the most cost effective way, is accomplished by investing in indigenous leaders.

The money invested in these national missionaries pays salaries, provides theological and practical training, bicycles for transportation, and other needed tools like portable solar powered sound systems, gospel flip charts, and the Jesus Film. The strategy of “nationals reaching nationals” is working incredibly well. Since our inception, April 2008, we have seen close to 1.2 million people come to faith in Christ and 10,000 churches started.

You, as an investor in Buzzbox Coffee, are playing a big role in making Jesus’ name known among the nations.

– David Johnson, Executive Director of Doulos Partners

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Saving Lives Through the Power of Faith

Saving Lives Through the Power of Faith

The Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund has been instrumental in supporting the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association. Read further and discover how your support of Buzzbox Coffee transcends into changing people’s lives through the power of faith.

Powerful Faith

As they celebrated last month that there is an empty tomb we were reminded of the people who came to place their faith in Jesus this year at a Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association event.  We are always humbled when God uses us to advance the Gospel and we recognized that in a story shared with us after an event earlier this year.

Finding Hope

A sixteen-year old girl recently attended one of our conferences. She had lost her mom a few years ago to a drug overdose. Two weeks before the conference she lost her dad to a drug overdose. This confused and hurting teenager was searching for someone to tell her that everything was going to be okay. She found that someone, Jesus, on the last evening of the conference.

Making A Difference

It’s not an event, song, or personality that changes lives, it’s Jesus Christ and we are blessed to be an avenue to make Him known.  Here at the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association, we’re proud to be a partner with the Rick and Bubba in proclaiming this Hope.

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A Note From Rick: Carry A Child On Your Shoulders

A Note From Rick: Carry A Child On Your Shoulders

Thank you so much for drinking the world’s best coffee and making a difference one cup at a time.  For every Buzzbox you receive, a minimum of $1 goes to the Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund.  The fund was established in 2008 when my youngest son went to heaven at 2 and a half years old.  The Bible clearly tells us in Psalm 139:13-16 that God knew the number of our days and every detail of our life when he wove us together in our mother’s womb.  These words from almighty God remind our family that Bronner’s life was complete at 2 and one half years.  God has also shown us so many things that have been accomplished and continue to be accomplished through a little boy’s earthly life that only lasted on our terms a very short period of time.

On behalf of our family and everyone involved in the Rick and Bubba show we thank you for now being part of God’s work through our son’s name.  The Bronner Burgess Memorial fund supports ministries that must have the proper balance of “good works” and “good news.”  The Bible is very clear that truth without love is wrong, but at the same time love without truth can be just as wrong.

My wife and I have personally worked with the ministries that receive grants from the Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund.  Living Hope in South Africa is one of those ministries that desperately needs funding after losing financial aid from our government after George W. Bush left office.  Living Hope believes the real battle against AIDS can only be won through transforming the lifestyles of a generation through the moral standards of the Holy Bible, while at the same time providing food, water, clothing, job training, education and healthcare to the poorest of the poor in South Africa.  Doulos Partners believes that the best and most efficient way to reach people for Christ around the world is to equip the indigenous people of that country who are followers of Christ with the resources needed to reach their own people and plant local churches.  Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association works to help youth in our own country and around the world with the message of Jesus Christ through huge events like StadiumFest where we saw thousands of people submit to the authority and life-changing power of Jesus Christ.

You can find out more about these ministries by going to,, and

Before this Buzzbox program, our funding was very little and our impact wasn’t what we had prayed it could be; but now because of you drinking the best of the best coffee, the funding is coming in to support these types of ministries and the work God is doing through them around the world.  We search for those ministries that do “good works” but never compromise the “good news.”  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

– Rick