How International Missions Are Impactful

The Bible is very clear in Matthew 28:19 that we are to make disciples of all the nations. International mission trips are a great way to participate in following this command & learn more about different cultures. With short-term mission trips on the rise, it’s easier than ever to get involved. However, how can we have the greatest impact & respect those we visit?
Training Native Pastors to Reach Their Communities
No one coming into a country from the outside can understand the people of that country as well as one of their own. That is why it is so important to train native pastors who can then reach those around them with authentic care & understanding.
These individuals know the culture and the language. They know the reasons why people are hesitant to accept the Gospel. With access to resources and training, they are equipped to reach their geographical area and continue to help disciple these new believers along the way.
Please continue to support Doulos Partners in the training of native pastors with your prayers and your coffee purchase.