Tanzania, South Africa
Doulos has been exploring the options of work in Tanzania, Africa, with hopes to train and encourage local leaders, and continually support their evangelism and church planting efforts.
About Tanzania
Tanzania is a remarkably diverse country, consisting of around 44.9 million people from 158 ethnic groups who speak languages representing all four major African language groups. Additionally, they have extremely diverse religious beliefs – The country’s constitution provides for freedom of religion, and this right is generally respected by all.
Religion in Tanzania
It is estimated that anywhere from 30-60% of the population identifies themselves as Christian, another 30% of identify as Muslim, and the remaining population adhere to the various indigenous religions.
All religious organizations are banned from involvement in politics, and politicians are restricted from using language intended to incite one religious group against another or to campaign towards specific religious groups. In public schools, religion may be taught in the form of a class on religion, but it is not part of the national curriculum.
Thank you
The soil is very fertile in this part of Africa and we are excited about the opportunities to lead many to Christ! Please join us in prayer as we continue to determine the best ways to reach Tanzanian people with the word of God. Thank you for supporting us with your daily cup of coffee.
– The Doulos Partners